Profiling of Differentially Expressed Genes Induced by Ionizing Radiation on Human Oral Epithelium Carcinoma ( KB) Cell Line 电离辐射诱导人口腔上皮癌KB细胞基因表达谱变化的研究
Molecular Mechanism of Radiosensitization Effect of Paclitaxel on Human Oral Epithelium Carcinoma ( KB) Cell Line 紫杉醇对人口腔上皮癌KB细胞放射增敏作用的分子机制研究
The Experimental Study of Amniotic Membrane and Oral Mucosal Epithelium Transplantation in the Treatment of Alkali Burns Rabbit Eyes 羊膜联合口腔粘膜上皮移植治疗兔眼碱烧伤的实验研究
Expression of osteopontin in oral mucosal epithelium in patients with oral lichen planus 口腔扁平苔藓患者黏膜上皮细胞骨桥蛋白的表达
Objective To explore the expression of osteopontin ( OPN) in oral mucosal epithelium of oral local lesion in patients with oral leukoplakia ( OLK). 目的研究口腔白斑(OLK)患者病损局部黏膜上皮细胞骨桥蛋白(OPN)表达情况。
Objective: To explore a new, prompt and simple human oral epithelium primary culture technique and to establish a reliable human oral epithelial cell culture system in vitro. 目的:探索一种新的、快捷、简单的人口腔黏膜上皮细胞体外原代培养方法,并建立稳定的人口腔黏膜上皮细胞体外培养体系。
Objective To investigate the pathogenesis in oral lichen planus ( OLP) by studying the expression of apoptosis, cell proliferation and cell cycle regulatory protein in oral epithelium mucosa in OLP patients. 目的检测口腔黏膜扁平苔藓(OLP)患者口腔黏膜上皮凋亡增殖状况及细胞周期调控蛋白表达水平的变化,探讨OLP发病机制。
Tooth is a typical epithelium-mesenchyme organ, which is formed through the mutual function between the original oral epithelium and epiblastic mesenchyme from the neural crest below. 牙齿是典型的上皮-间充质器官,由原口腔上皮和其下方的神经嵴来源的外胚间充质相互作用而形成。
An experimental study on the culture of human oral mucosa epithelium using autologous serum 应用人自体血清培养人口腔黏膜上皮的实验研究
Objective: In this article we study the technique and method of oral epithelium culture in vitro, playing a basic role in further study in reconstructing a tissue engineering oral mucosa and providing an experimental model in physiological, pathological, toxicological and microbiological study in oral mucosa. 目的:探索口腔粘膜上皮细胞体外培养的技术和方法,为进一步采用组织工程技术构建口腔粘膜组织奠定基础,同时可为口腔粘膜的生理、药理、毒理学及微生态研究提供实验模型。
The distribution of sulphydryl and disulphide groups in sheep oral epithelium associated with keratinization 绵羊口腔上皮中巯基和二硫基的分布与上皮角化的关系
After the oral keratinocytes were seeded, continous oral epithelium layer was formed on the surface of AUBS after 10 days in vitro. 第2代人口腔黏膜细胞接种于AUBS后能够生长和繁殖,10d后在AUBS表面形成了连续单层细胞结构。
Corneal reconstruction with tissue-engineered cell sheets composed of autologous oral mucosal epithelium 自体口腔黏膜上皮构建的组织工程细胞薄片进行角膜重建
Conclusion: The oral epithelium of young New Zealand hare can be cultured in vitro, maintaining the ability to proliferate in a certain time. 结论:新西兰幼兔口腔粘膜上皮细胞可在体外进行培养,在一定时间内保持增殖能力。
It was expressed focally in the oral epithelium, dental lamina, outer enamel epithelium, stratum intermedium and stellate reticulum at cap and bell stages. 结果:COX-2在牙胚发育期间存在特异的时空分布模式,其阳性表达主要在牙胚发育帽状期、钟状期的口腔上皮、牙板上皮、外釉、中间层和星网状层。
Cytokeratin expression in human junctional epithelium, oral epithelium and sulcular epithelium 人牙龈结合上皮、口腔龈上皮及沟内上皮中细胞角蛋白的表达
An observation on the ultrastructure and morphology of keratohyalin granules during keratinization of sheep oral epithelium 绵羊口腔上皮角化过程中透明角质颗粒的超微结构观察
The study suggested that the micronucleus ratio of the oral epithelium cell could reflect the damage of the genetic material. 提示口腔上皮细胞微核检测与淋巴细胞一样,可反映人体遗传物质的损伤。
Two conclusions were: 1. There were two types of keratohyalin granules in the sheep oral epithelium. 本文的结果表明:1.绵羊口腔上皮存在两种类型透明角质颗粒。
The observation of the micronucleus ratio of the oral epithelium cell in the both the health and the mental retardation 精神发育迟滞者和正常人口腔上皮细胞微核出现率的观察
Tissue samples from sheep oral epithelium of different age groups were fixed with three different fixatives to observe the ultrastructure of keratohyalin granules. 本实验用3种不同固定液固定不同年龄的绵羊口腔上皮,用透射电镜观察上皮细胞中透明角质颗粒的超微结构。
Study on Change of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in Canceration Process of the Oral Mucosa Epithelium 口腔粘膜上皮癌变过程中增殖细胞核抗原改变研究
The study of oral epithelium culture in vitro 口腔粘膜上皮细胞体外培养的研究
Expression of genes associated with tooth development on bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells induced by co-culturing with fetal oral epithelium in vitro 体外共同培养诱导骨髓间充质干细胞表达牙发育相关基因
Objective To investigate the biological properties of cultured human oral mucosa epithelium using autologous serum in order to provide a new material for tissue engineering urethra. 目的研究人自体血清培养人口腔黏膜移植生长的生物学特性,为组织工程化尿道提供新材料。
Objective To investigate the expression of cytokeratins ( CK) in the normal human gingival epithelium and to explore the difference between junctional epithelium ( JE), oral epithelium ( OE) and sulcular epithelium ( SE). 目的检测人牙龈上皮的细胞角蛋白(CK)谱,探讨结合上皮(JE)与口腔龈上皮(OE)、沟内上皮(SE)的不同。
The present study also confirmed carcinogenesis of oral mucosa is a continuous process of dynamic change ( normal oral mucosa epithelium → epithelial dysplasia ( precancerous lesions)→ oral squamous cell carcinoma). 目前研究也证实:口腔粘膜癌变过程是由正常口腔粘膜上皮→粘膜上皮异常增生(癌前病变)→口腔鳞癌的连续动态变化过程。
In the early days, it caused for concern because the ability to stimulate bone cell differentiation; in recent years, it had been founded in the expression of tooth development related in original oral epithelium. 在早期,它因能刺激骨细胞分化而引起关注;近年来发现它在与牙齿发育有关的原始口腔上皮中有表达。
Tumer samples were represented by bone marrow which was anticoagulated by 3.8% natrium citricum, and their oral epithelium cells were also collected for normal tissue comparison. 收取其骨髓液,以3.8%枸橼酸钠抗凝,同时收取其口腔上皮正常组织。